Lon Milo Du Quette The Magick of Aleister Crowley
Join us for this Livestream Event Here Lon Milo DuQuette joins Banyen for an engaging conversation on his book, The Magick of Aleister Crowley. The book is available from Banyen: The Magick of Aleister Crowley dispatches some of the myths that have surrounded Crowleys life and legend. In plain English, this book explores the rituals and teachings of Aleister Crowley, and provides insights into their significance. With a new intro and updates, this classic guide to Thelema, Aleister Crowleys spiritual system of ritual magick, is the perfect introductory text for readers who wonder what the workrather than the mythof Aleister Crowley are all about. This event will be perfect for both new and longtime explorers of Crowleys work. Lon Milo DuQuette is a bestselling author and lecturer whose books on Magick, Tarot, and the Western Mystery Traditions have been translated into ten languages. He is currently the US Deputy Grand Master