Iraq War ( A)
(31 Dec 2003) IRAQ WAR ++BROADCASTERS PLEASE NOTE UNDER US, UK EMBEDDING RULES AND THE GENEVA CONVENTION THE FACES OF POWS SHOULD BE DISGUISED WHERE IDENTIFIABLE++ It was no longer a matter of if, but when the order to strike would come. Final preparations were being made among the British and American troops waiting across the border in Kuwait. POOL Kuwait Soldier in tank taking off goggles and mask Line of vehicles In Baghdad, people awaited with fear and trepidation the inevitable aerial bombardment. APTN was aboard the Constellation in the Gulf and broadcast live pictures of the first takeoffs of U. S. jets on bombing missions over Iraq. APTN Kuwait Various of soldier packing ammunition Low shot underside of tank as it moves off APTN Baghdad, Iraq Wide shot of traffic on the streets of Baghdad Various of men locking up shop fronts Various of shops locked up APTN