Dream of the Merlin Highlights
This is the life you chose, now let it manifest. Adamus More information: At this profound and enlightening Merlin gathering, Adamus and friends leave no doubt about the significance of this time on Earth and the big picture of whats really going on. As Adamus noted, This is the life you chose, now let it manifest. Its the only reason youre still here. The human desires for divinity, freedom, love, and mastery have proved elusive for eons, seemingly hidden away in some faroff realms accessible only to a fortunate few. Sometimes these other realities come through as déjà vu, but now, with the wisdom, maturity and passion of the soul, the door is unlocked and opening. Now is the time to be in your passion, a realized embodied Master, a Merlin grounding the gateway to the other realms, thereby allowing movement between here and beyond. More information: All entities channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe, with assistance by