Bringing AI and machine learning innovations to healthcare ( Google I, O 18)
Could machine learning give new insights into diseases, widen access to healthcare, and even lead to new scientific discoveries Already we can see how machine learning can increase the accuracy of diagnoses from medical imaging, and may be able to predict a patients risk of disease. This Keynote Session includes short talks by Lily Peng of Google Brain and Jessica Mega of Verily (Alphabet) about how they are bringing technological innovations in AI and machine learning to healthcare. Rate this session by signingin on the I, O website here Watch more machine learning sessions from I, O 18 here See all the sessions from Google I, O 18 here Subscribe to the Google Developers channel , io18 event: Google I, O 2018; rety: Publish; product: Cloud Healthcare and Life Sciences Healthcare Natural Language AI, TensorFlow General; fullname: Lily Peng, Jessica