Mars 360: NASAs Mars Curiosity Rover Sol 3070 (360video 8 K)
NASA s Mars Curiosity Rover Martian Solar Day 3070: Smile The images for panorama obtained by the rover s taken by the rover s Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI). The mosaic, which stretches about 30, 000 pixels width, includes 60 images taken on Sol 3070 (March 25, 2021). With a successful drill campaign at Nontron in the books, the team continued to wrap up drill hole observations and also grab some final observations of the interesting materials that mark this area. ChemCam will acquire a passive spectra of sulfatebearing buttes beckoning to us from farther up Mount Mastcam will image the sand targets Thenac and Thenon to look for windinduced changes, and the target Creyssac, a coherent crack in nearby sand to watch how or if it changes. Mastcam and Navcam will both monitor the amount of dust in the atmosphere, and Navcam will acquire a movie looking for dust devils. RAD, REMS, and DAN maintain their steady watch over the Gale crater environment through the plan. MAHLI will image both s