2023 Bodybuilding Awards Derek Lunsford vs Samson Dauda vs CBUM
Our 2023 Bodybuilding Awards show on the latest episode of Whats The Word We award our Most Improved, Bodybuilder of the Year, Rookie of the Year Most Shredded featuring athletes such as Derek Lunsford, Chris Bumstead aka CBUM, Samson Dauda, Roman Fritz, Rubiel Mosquara, Justin Shier, Nick Walker, Hadi Choopan + MORE Who do YOU have Rookie OTY Bodybuilder OTY Most Improved Most Shredded Powered by MuscleTech Footage Courtesy of Gilco Productions Footage Courtesy of VKallbergPhoto , , F O L L O W , , X A V I E R S I G , , F O L L O W , , D E S K T O P B O D Y B U I L D I N G S IG , , TIK TOK , DerekLunsford, cbum, Bodyb