Prepare yourself for what is coming
The Synod of Synodality in the Catholic Church might divide the Church, because I believe decisions taken there might be going against Magisterium, Tradition and the Gospel as revealed by Jesus Christ Himself as follows: Union between a man and a woman takes place with the blessing of God in the Sacrament of Matrimony only. Any other type of union of heterosexual couples or same sex partners is a grave sin and cannot be blessed in the Church. Sexual union outside of a formal Matrimony is a grave sin. If it is between couples not married, a boyfriend and girlfriend just living together or maybe just dating, very common now, it is a grave sin of fornication leading to hell. Homosexual attraction is not a sin per se and needs phycological treatment, but homosexual acts between two men or two women are grave sins leading to hell if not repented. It is also very important to say that the Mercy of God is above His Justice. If you are guilty of this sin of sodomy, you need to rep