Tool Vicarious Drum Cover Johnkew
Twitter: This song was an absolute blast to play on the drums, and quickly became an obsession after I decided to learn it. It was one of the most challenging songs I ve played on the drums. I already had a lot of respect for Tool and Danny Carey, but learning this song really made me realize what a master of the art he is. Playing along to this composition is one thing, but I could not imagine creating it. There are always individual differences between drummers, so I would never try to replicate Carey s exact playing, but I tried to stay close and do it justice. Somehow Carey managed to move along a scale of intricate to subtle within the complex time signatures in this song, pulling back when appropriate, and laying down a fill that boggles the mind at other times. It would be easy to go overboard with fills on this after learning the time signature, so I tried to stay as true to the original as possible. I don t play music for a living, so I hav