Alien Looking For Earth, Acrylic Painting Technique With Sponge Step by Step, 368
I hope you enjoy watching my video. Have a good Acrylic painting on canvas using palette knife ㆍAcrylics Sky Blue, Orange, Red hue, Lemon Yellow, Black, White, Turquoise Blue, Deep cyan ㆍCanvas 30cm ABOUT US: Kep Ghak is a painting, drawing youtuber. He paints beautiful world on the canvas, paper using familiar objects in life, and share videos for you and everyone. Put Kep s painting in your space, and make world beautiful. A few beautiful drawing, painting from my channel: 12 Easy Yet Cool Drawing Tricks: 17 Drawing Tricks To Draw Like A Pro: 18 Awesome Tutorial Drawing: 21 Weird Drawing Tricks For Boring Days: 13 Straight Line Drawing Tricks: