Why the political worldviews of young men and women are increasingly diverging, DW Analysis
Young men are more likely than women to drop out of college, commit suicide, and support farright parties. But while misogynistic influencers like Andrew Tate are correctly blamed for fueling the incel manosphere s backlash against feminism, there is a lot more to this story than incels, culture wars and wokeness. From stagnant economies and unaffordable housing to fears of cultural obsolescence, young men are grappling with a myriad of challenges that seldom enter the public discourse. So what is really behind the growing political rift between Gen Z Boys and Girls In the video we talk to Richard Reeves, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and author of the book Of Boys and Men where he explores all the ways in which the modern male is struggling. Alice Evans, visiting scholar at Stanford University, who is travelling around the world to study this divide and makes the point that lagging economies, corporate algorhythms, and patriarchal mentality can explain this backlash. And