Tony Opens Art Show (1961)
Full title reads: Glasgow. Tony Opens Art Show. Glasgow, Scotland. Anthony Armstrong Jones husband of Princess Margaret opens an art show. LV Tony Armstrong entering the art gallery in Glasgow accompanied by Lord Provost Mrs Jean Roberts and Dr Henderson director of the Museum. CU Tony looking at picture. LV Tony looking at Hamilton Painting. CU Archibald Stuart by Hamilton. CU Pan, Tony walking past camera. LV Tony and others looking at picture. No 82. CU Picture No 82. The Dance of Spring By Hornel. Side view Tony and other looking at picture. CU Highland Chieftain by Wright. SV Tony looking at pictures. CU Reverend Nardlaw by Macnee. Side view Tony and others looking at pictures in art gallery. CU Picture No 161. Boy with Apple by Hunter. GV crowds walking along platform at Kings Cross Station, London. CU large cabin trunk with the letter M on trolley. GV. Princess Margaret with Tony Armstrong Jones and dogs walking past camera along platform. CU Tony and Princess Margaret walk under cam