MODJO 02 Austria Official Video
This Song is dedicated to my father (1956 2021) I MISS YOU You can listen to the song on every other streaming platform just click on the link below Where Are You performed by KØLEEN Directed by Nicole Frisch Camera Lukas Plöchl Cut, Colorgrading Rebecca Rapp Hair Make up Bianca Humer Effects Flash Eventtechnik Behind the Scenes Mira Long Helping Hands Isabella, Laurenz, Franky, Rebecca, Mira, Bianca Written Composed by Claudia Bruckner, David Graf, Nicole Frisch, Mira Long, Daniel Weisz Produced by Daniel Weisz Mixed Mastered by Cohen Yusha Location: Burg Oberranna in Mühldorf KØLEEN, DIEgital Records LYRICS: Verse 1: Im a little restle