10 Times Queen Elizabeth Was Disrespected In Public
10 Times You Didn t Know Queen Elizabeth Was Being Outright Disrespected Subscribe: Meeting the Queen of England is a huge honor even if youre a big time celebrity. Because of this, the moment can become a little nerve wracking, but you should always keep royal etiquette in mind before the big day. Sadly, it seems like the people in this video completely lost their minds when they broke all the rules when meeting her Royal Highness. These are ten times Queen Elizabeth was disrespected in public. In this video, we will show you celebrities like Rihanna, and diplomats like Barack Obama and Donald Trump, who all have one thing in common; they accidently dissed the Queen. We will also show you what Meghan Markle did to disrespect royal protocol when in the presence of her new grandmotherinlaw. Once you are finished watching our video, be sure to tell us what you think in the comment