The Door of 2023 Has Opened: What Next Part Two, Magnificent Life Daily Devotion
The Door of 2023 Has Opened: What Next Part Two For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good Philippians 2:13 Every year is an opportunity for a fresh start. We can set our goals and intentions in the new year and strive toward them. We can take the time to reflect on our past experiences, learn from them, and move forward with greater focus and clarity. It s also important to remember that even if things didn t go as planned last year, it doesn t mean you cannot realize your dreams in the coming one; hope lies in every sunrise of a new day and every turning of the calendar page. That s why we discussed the importance of having God as our number one priority if we want true and lasting change in our lives; So, today, let s talk about two things we can do to ensure that happens: praying and reading God s Word. Prayer is such a powerful tool for transformation when it comes from the heart with sincerity, prayer open