Cave Anchors Made Out Of Dyneema
Bobby and John broke some cave anchors. They tested the Climbing Technology s Soft Anchors and also the homemade ones by Andrzej Rudkowski. CT dyneema broke at 14kn and rethreaded with Max sk99 4mm broke at 16kn and in tension broke at 11kn. Soft Shackle homemade anchor broke the metal round stock at 18kn, then the soft shackle at 23kn and then the bolt itself at 25kn but when pulled in tension, the soft shackle destroys the circle at 17kn. Clown hangers broke the ropes first. Super good enough. I m quite impressed how strong they are and would totally rappel on them. Learn and shop at 10 off Rocky Talkie by clicking Our merch is at 1000 Patrons makes us viable 1 time donations really help also Not Ryan 00:30 About John and the anchors 2:33 Climb Tech hangers 5:30 Soft Shackle hangers 08:11 D12 Max 99 Test 10:08 Pulling in Tension 11:02 Clown Hangers