Hans Zimmer Interstellar ( Frainbreeze Remix) ( FL Studio 20)
Download FLP: Download contains: 2 FL Studio 20 projects Hans Zimmer Interstellar (Frainbreeze Remix) (Mastering Arrangement), 12 presets for ArtsAcoustic Reverb, 3 presets for Massive, 13 presets for Spire, 19 presets for Waves Synth versions: Massive Spire Omnisphere Addictive Keys Modern Upright, ArtsAcoustic Reverb VolumeShaper 4, Sausage Fattener Ozone 7 7. 01, Kickstart 1. 0. 9 Nexus 2. 2. 0 (Voice, Omicron, Dance Orchestral, Epic Pads) Waves v9r21 (JJPStringsKeys (build29537), (JJPVocals (build29537), (OneKnobLouder (build29537), (Maserati ACG (Build29537), (Maserati B72 (Build29537), (HDelay (build29537), (HComp (build29537), (OneKnobPressure (build29537), (C1Comp (build29537) Please note that the melody, midi, audio of the track is cop