Desperadoz 2000 The Dawn of Dying full album
1. The Beginning 0:00 2. As A Judgement 00:31 3. Gomorrha Of The Plains 01:51 4. The Dawn Of Dying 05:11 5. My Gun And Me 09:07 6. Gone With The Wind 13:57 7. Rattlesnake Shake 19:03 8. (Ghost) Riders In The Sky 23:44 9. Devil s Horse 27:25 10. Jumpin Down The Running Train 32:27 11. Dodge City 36:53 12. Desperados 39:36 13. The End 43:07 14. Oriental Saloon 44:04 Tom Booze Angelripper vocals Alex Bigmouthed Kraft guitars, vocals, hapr, banjo, mandolne, bass Guest musicians : Peter Knapp vocals Volker Liebig bass Ferdy Doernberg keyboards