Knit Socks on Two Straight Needles, Knit Socks for Beginners
Learn how to knit socks on two straight needles by following this stepbystep tutorial. Feel free to ask questions in the comments and I ll do my best to answer all of them. Link to the pattern Check out more knitting and crochet patterns at Useful Hashtags for Knitters , KnitSocksOnStraightNeedles, ,KnitSocksForBeginners, ,KnitSocks, ,TwoNeedleSocks, ,KnittedSocks, ,KnitTwoNeedleSocks, ,KnitSocksPattern, ,TwoNeedleSocksPattern, ,KnitTwoNeedleSocksPattern, ,HowToKnitSocks, ,KnittingSocks, , KnittingSocksPattern, ,KnittedSocksPattern, ,KnittingTwoNeedleSocks, ,KnittedTwoNeedleSocks