Portable office on the go The Canon BN22 ( BJ Notebook) printing laptop
Battery pack revived, printer head cleaned, cartridge refilled I m rarin to go Editing and printing important documents on the subway. IBM ThinkPad 555BJ Featuring: 486SX, 50MHz 8MB RAM, 170MB HDD Greyscale 640x480 STN LCD A nifty handheld thumbtrackball mouse And an integrated B, W inkjet printer It came with Windows 3. 11 (basics like Paint, Write, and Solitaire) plus MS Works The NiCd battery pack was rejuvenated by opening the pack and applying several brief 10Amp shocks to each cell, when the voltage had settled to it was allowed to charge via the computer to much success. The printer mechanism was flushed with IPA then filled with fountain pen ink, the head scrubbed with acetone to do my best at unclogging (destreaking) the prints. Gallery here: (sorry for the mouthbreathing sounds at first, I just arrived on my bike) Chapters: 00:00 Waiting for the Bahn 00:45 Powerup 01:22 Working on Important Documents 03:46 Let s Print 05:00 The Money Shot