20200403 State of the Vuenion by Evan You Vue Conf US 2020
Evan You gives his State of the Vuenion address in the opening keynote of VueConf US 2020. He goes over the journey of getting Vue 3 from a prototype to a reality in the last year. He also dives into overall growth in the community. Watch more conference videos Explore courses Get in touch Tweet us 0:00 Summary of 2019: Pushing Vue 3 from prototype to reality 3:09 The Journey to Vue 3 Stage 1 5:53 Stage 2 13:27 Stage 3 14:55 The New Compiler 15:48 Advanced Optimizations 21:31 ServerSide Rendering 25:20 SSR Renderer 26:37 Hydration 27:27 SSR: to be completed 28:05 Vue 3: What s Left 28:29 Docs Migration Guides 29:01 Router 29:08 Vuex 30:11 CLI 30:37 DevTools 31:09 What about 2. x