Gigantic RC Airliner Bombardier CRJ 200 Lufthansa twin Turbine Model Airplane Hausen Flugtag 2014
RC Airliner Bombardier CRJ 200 twin Turbine JetCat P80 Model Airplane Lufthansa, Hausen Flugtag 2014 Pilot: Bäumker Wolfgang von der Luftsport Gruppe Kaiserstuhl, er baute ca. 4 Jahre an dem Model. Sorry about the background sound, i need it to overlap the Original Track that run the DJ from this RC Show, it was CC protected, so the Video was not free in all Country. Thanks to MG Affolter Flugtag Hausen 35 Jahre Passagier flugzeug, RC Turbine Jet s, RC Turbine Helicopter Special RC Airp