JOHN DEERE Tractors Plowing, Planting and Harvesting
Big Tractor Power is out in the field with a JOHN DEERE New Generation Tractors Plowing, Planting and Harvesting. This style of tractor was built from 19601977. Watch for 13 green tractor clips that share the machines horse power rating, production history, and price tag when new. JOHN DEERE tractors to watch for in this video: 1. JOHN DEERE 7520 plowing 2. JOHN DEERE 6030 plowing 3. JOHN DEERE 7020 Disking 4. JOHN DEERE 4020 Wheatland Disking 5. JOHN DEERE 5020 Disking 6. JOHN DEERE 4520 Field Cultivating 7. JOHN DEERE 4620 Cultimulching 8. JOHN DEERE 4320 Corn Planter 9. JOHN DEERE 4020 Grain Drill 10. JOHN DEERE 3020 Pull Type Combine 11. JOHN DEERE 4020 Corn Picker 12. JOHN DEERE 4620 Pull Type Combine 13. JOHN DEERE 4320 Spreading Manure Big Tractor Power Video 2, 201 Connect with Big Tractor Power Email See