My Rocks deep dive and production deployment at Facebook, Yoshinori Matsunobu ( Facebook)
Приглашаем на конференцию HighLoad++ 2024, которая пройдет 2 и 3 декабря в Москве Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: HighLoad++ Moscow 2018 Тезисы и презентация: Since we created MyRocks RocksDB storage engine for MySQL a few years ago, we added various features like Blind Deletes, TTL, and at Facebook we deployed MyRocks in our two biggest database services in production our main database (UDB) and Facebook Messenger. In this session, the speaker will talk about how we migrated from InnoDB and HBase in our production environment, what features were added to make them happen, how they worked, what challenges we faced and how we addressed them. Нашли ошибку в видео Пишите нам на