Wagner Das Rheingold Finale, sung in English ( Heda Heda hedo )
Finale from Das Rheingold by German composer Richard Wagner (18131883), the first opera in of the Ring Cycle, Der Ring des Nibelungen. In this scene, the thunder god Donner (Thor) summons a storm to clear the atmosphere and Froh (Freyr) builds a rainbow bridge to allow the gods passage into the newly constructed palace Walhall (Valhalla). Only the trickster god of fire Loge (Loki) remains on earth, telling the audience that he wishes destruction on the gods for their deceit. Finally, the Rhinemaidens mourn the loss of their magical gold and declare that the glory of the gods is an illusion. Donner: Norman Welsby Froh: Robert Ferguson Wotan: Norman Bailey Fricka: Katherine Pring Loge: Emile Belcourt Drei Rheintöchter: Valerie Masterson, Shelagh Squires, Helen Attfield Conductor: Reginald Goodall English National Opera Orchestra