So if so many of us are enjoying porn on our own, wouldnt it make sense to start enjoying it together A recent study showed that around 50 of people have watched porn as a couple, so the idea is hardly farfetched. Yet for those of us who have yet to take the plunge, this can feel like a scary, albeit titillating, proposition. We feel you its a lot to think about. Thats why weve reached out to some sex and relationship experts to provide us with some of their best sex tips including everything you need to know about watching porn with a partner. ,real reason you watch porn, ,7 steps to stop watching porn, ,truth about watching porn, ,why do i watch porn, ,how to stop watching porn, ,why do men watch porn, ,how to quit watching porn, ,stop watching porn stars, ,facts about porn, ,pornography, ,joe rogan on porn addiction, ,pornography addiction, ,benefits of porn, ,how to quit porn, ,the more you know, ,erectile dysfunction, ,informational, ,stop porn, ,stop porn addiction, ,did you know, ,10 facts, ,interestin