First Japanese Fleet Manoeuvres AKA 1st Jap. Fleet Manoeuvres (1955)
Unissued, unused material dates and locations may be unclear, unknown. Off Shikoko Island, Japan LS Japanese ships at sea during the first fleet manoeuvres of Japan s new navy, the Maritime SelfDefence Force, on 21st February 1955. (2 shots). MS Ceremony hauling up the Japanese flag on board ship. MS Japanese sailors on board. CU Japanese flag flying. LS Japanese frigate. CU Japanese naval officers on bridge, viewing frigate with binoculars. Various shots, Japanese warships at sea. MS Japanese sailor at long range binoculars. Various shots, naval warships at sea, including one signalling. MS Japanese sailor signalling with Aldis lamp. MS Radar aerial spinning. LS Plane flies low over warship. MS High shot, officer at long range binoculars. LS Japanese plane flying over warships. Various shots of naval and airforce exercises including antiaircraft gunner, submarine at sea (periscope only and passing frigate on surface), rough seas. LS Convoy at sea. MS Japanese ratings stand to attention on deck.