Feather In Your Hat (1963)
Item title reads Feather in your hat. Annual Festival of Poultry Feather Hats. London. M, S girl parading towards camera wearing a bridal hat made of poultry feathers. Various shots of a live cockerel on the floor. M, S girl wearing Dutch looking hat made of poultry feathers called Gretchen (it is second prize winner). M, S as the cockerel moves out of way as woman walks past. M, S people watching. M, S two models posing in hats which are first and second prize winners. M, S cockerel on the floor in front of audience. M, S girl parading in hat which looks like a vase of flowers. C, U woman watching. M, S of another girl parading wearing a hat called Nightcap in the form of a candlestick complete with flame and hovering moth. C, U man watching. M, S of another girl wearing demure decoy feather crown surmounted by a duck. C, U girl watching, looks like she doesn t know quite what to make of it all. C, U girl wearing Swan Lake which comprises lake, water lilies and a ballerina all made of feathers. C,