HORSKH Interface ( Official Music Video)
Interface from BODY Album Available September 2023 Subscribe to the HORSKH s YouTube channel: Instagram: Facebook: Cds, Vinyls and Merchandising: Music and videos: Booking: Press: Video directed by Bastien Hennaut and Brice Hincker Fimed and Edited by Brice Hincker and Amélie Diane 3D FX by Guillaume Roux Wardrobe Stylist: LouAnne Boehm and Bastien Hennaut Fashion Designer: Dinah Monney Casting: Sylvain Abriel Jordan Daverio Bastien Hennaut Cyber technicians: Etienne Bianchi Sarah Lane roberts Make up: Cindy Pasqualin Mixed and mastered by Thibault Chaumont Thank you to all the people mentioned before and: Mélanie Bouet, Cla