TWA TRISKELION 3. 0 harmonic energizer
Includes a paid promotion Now housed in a Hammond 1590B chassis, the Trisk3 takes up even less real estate than its predecessors, yet it still packs all the processing power that those two crimson critters were famous for. Back is the Variant Mass Boost switch of the original Triskelion, which adds an earshattering upper range to its already peaky filter. Also back are the 30odd Hertz of low frequencies that had mysteriously and inexplicably vanished during the creation of the Mk. II. Whats not back is the higher noise level of the Mk. I instead, the proaudio quality noise floor of the Mk. II is in full effect, allowing the new version to function with surgical precision in a variety of highgain settings without sounding like the Cosmic Microwave Background. Speaking of Gain, the Triskelions can now be switched on, off via either a topmounted miniswitch, or via an external footswitch connected to the sidemounted miniphone jack.