Judy Robinson ( Marta Kristen) In Shiny Silver Metallic Spacesuit Prisioner on 1947 Earth 1080 P BD
Judy Robinson (Marta Kristen) looking hot in her shiny silver metallic spacesuit is taken prisioner by a guy with a rope in a small town, on 1947 planet earth. Penny Robinson (Angel Cartwright) and Maureen Robinson (June Lockhart) are also shown in their shiny silver metallic spacesuits looking fine. John Robinson (Guy Williams) and Major Don West (Mark Goddard ) are slao shown in silver spacesuits. This clip has been enhanced with 30 brightness, 100 contrast, and 100 color, due to the original blurays dull appearance. Clip is from S03E02 of TV show Lost in Space titled Visit to a Hostile Planet which originally aired over 52 years ago. Lost in Space is available on bluray as a complete set.