The beginning of the end of the world The last generation
When will the end of this age and the second coming of Christ be Are our days the last Is there any reliable sign that we are living in the last days Yes All the signs of the last days are being fulfilled exactly Five seals of the apocalypse have been opened The riders under the names: Antichrist, war, famine, death and hell gallop around the planet. People are being killed on earth for believing in Christ. The sixth seal of the Apocalypse is preparing to be opened, which will lead to a global collapse But there is one very important sign that Jesus Christ spoke about, as well as the prophets before him A sign confirming that our days are the last and soon Christ will come for the second time This is the restoration of Israel s statehood in 1948. While on earth, Christ foretold the fall of Israel, the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, and the expulsion of the Jews. In 70 AD, Jerusalem was destroyed by Roman troops Israel ceased to exist, and the Jews scatter