Savitri Marg Darshan 2nd offering
Celebrating Sri Aurobindos 150th birthday year: Project Savitri Marg Darshan offers a meditative experience centered on selected passages of Savitri read by seekers who have immersed themselves into Savitri for many years. Accompanied by original music and visuals, each Savitriinspired video will be released on every important date of Sri Aurobindos life leading to His 150th birthday, August 15th, 2022. Here is our 2nd video offering released on Mahasamadhi Day December 5th 2021 with a passage from Book 3, Canto II, The Adoration of The Divine Mother, Page 314 316. Each of the seven offerings will be released on Know Your Rhythms YouTube channel, also featured on our website . Audio available on Auromusic: voice: Shraddhavan visual art: Priti Ghosh viola: Sevastiana Korotynskaia flute: Bryce Grinlington piano, music composition production: Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury Savitri alone is sufficient to make you climb t