The Associated Press bombed out of their Tudor Street office move to new Reuters building
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit England: The Associated Press after having been bombed out of their Tudor Street office move to the new Reuters building at 85 Fleet Street. Full Description: ENGLAND: London; 85 Fleet street EXT GV. Pan over the top of the City, after blitz. Two top views showing demolished areas in the City, one of them is a pan. GV. Street level shot of Tudor Street. CU. Sign, Tudor Street. CU. No. 20. Of the Associated Press building. GV. Sign A. P. on the outside of the building. GV. Of A. P. building, pan to bomb crater in ground. Top view of Tudor Street, track back through window, the a pan track up to another window through which can be seen the wreckage of the top floor. GV. Pan of the wreckage. GV. Travel shot past wreckage. GV. Looking down on wreckage floors below. Two CU s of paper amid mess. GV. TV. Of Fleet Street. GV. Pan of Fleet St. to the new Reuters Build