Civilian Found Executed In Lysychansk Cauldron ( UKRAINE WAR CRIME)
While near Lysychansk on the Lisichansk Cauldron where thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have been purportedly surrounded by Russian and LPR forces we found a set of small military positions next to a bridge that Ukraine property blew up to try and stop the progress of Russia. In this area we also found a body of what appeared to be a civilian with 3 bullet holes in his head. Close to the man s head was a black plastic bag with duck tape wrapped around it. It should be mentioned that Russia and LPR forces had only taken control of this area 2 days ago and the corpse was clearly decayed for weeks if not months. With all evidence, we saw there and documented, in this report the logical conclusion is the Ukraine forces arrested a civilian for an unknown reason then tapped a bag over his head and shot him 3 times in the top of the head. In the spirit of full transparency below is a link with more uncensored photos of the site. I call on all government officials and journalists to fully investigat