The abolition of the chemical castration of pedophiles has raised the public
The abolition of the chemical castration of pedophiles has raised the public Half of the convicts for pedophilia repeated the act after leaving prison. In Macedonia, there is no convict for pedophilia who has been subjected to chemical castration. Journalist: Mirjana Mirchevska Jovanovik December 13, 2018, 15:21 TV Kanal 5 According to Kanal 5 sources, the new amendments to the Criminal Code anticipate the abolition of chemical castration in Macedonia. The Ministry of Justice for Kanal 5 explains that the first package of amendments, no deletion of this penalty is foreseen, but in the future there will be a debate on this issue in accordance with European standards. Chemical castration exists in Denmark, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Poland, France and Germany. In Idrizovo Prison, 53 convicts serve a prison sentence due to intercourse and sexual activity with a minor. Although there is a chemical castration law, 33 of the convicts are returnees in the cells, but not castrated. They had previousl