Spore: The Races of Galaxy Luros B
Short bios of major races in the LurosB Galaxy. Some are missing from the video due to time constraints. Yellowtext races are by Luminar. Purpletext races are by Uroboros. Greentext races are by RacieB. MUSIC LIST: KOR Unstoppable, Emperor: Battle for Dune Uroborian Village of the Seekers, Panzer Dragoon Saga Wilo Suryavarman II (MidGame), Civilization IV Beyond the Sword Aeraphi The War Begins, Emperor: Battle for Dune Shalthar Bulberry Hill, Zool 2 Shodus Urban Wasteland, Warhammer 40, 000 Dawn of War Piddlyplomp Air, Wizards Warriors 2: Ironsword Archelian Caravan, Panzer Dragoon Saga Glinderrac Data Selection Screen, Metroid Prime Citizens of Wait Explore 4, Morrowind Grakkrow Asoka (Late Game), Civilization IV Protomiael Dark Samus Appears, Metroid Prime 2 Flimpet Joao II (Mid Game), Civilization IV Beyond the Sword Xi Subspace Machine Super Smash Bros. Brawl Aventiner Summer, Harvest Moon DS xx After the Storm, Ecco the Dolphin