BASIC Magazine x BASIC PR Premiers CODE Fashion Film In collaboration with M. CHERIE Productions BASIC Team had created a cinematic fashion film starring 5 heroines: The Lead Detective (Mahlagha Jaberi), The Assassin (Regina Francen), The Skull Breaker, (Olya Raven) The Hacker (Cristina Robu) and the Bodyguard (Zoya Valentine) who are set to save and protect the BASIC Code. The Narcissistic Villain (Andrew Gray) who aims to steal the code fails to access it by interrogating the fearless Detective. Once the Mastermind (Jackson Chong) and the Spy (Viktorija Pashuta) gather their team they find a secret place where to hide it. DIRECTOR Viktorija Pashuta viktorijapashuta CREATIVE DIRECTOR M. Chèrie PRODUCER Jackson Chong jacksonchong EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Masha Zolotova MUA HAIR Kseniya Bernkhardt MUA Maksim Leonov maksimleonovofficial HAIR Ksenia Kim hairbyksenia STYLIST Aisa Ju aisaju ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Anthony Markus anthonymarkvs MODELS Mahlagha Jaberi Regin