15 Ways We Give Our Data Privacy Up Part 1
We are constantly handing out data for free. We do it through nearly everything we do in the modern digital age. Every time we use our phones for something, whether its looking up directions, getting on Twitter or ordering something from Amazon, we are giving our data to at least one major corporation, maybe more. At TARTLE we very much want for people to be fully aware of how that is happening and how you can help prevent it. One of the main ways you give your data to companies is through the use of free websites. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc all rely on you putting your data out there so they can sell it to others. Anything you put on those sites, from your location, your education, pictures of your family, are considered fair game and the cost of using that site. Ask yourself, since the site isnt selling you something and they keep operating, how are they doing that How are they making money They do it by selling you, you are the product. One of the ways they do that is through all t