Oasis Shock Of the Lighting Remix
( Best quality with headphones) Remix of the 2008 Single Shock of the Lighting By oasis All rights to Noel Gallagher and oasis for Shocking the Lightning , oasis, morningglory, wonderwall, dontlookbackinanger, noelgallagher , liamgallagher, liveforever, definitelymaybe , champagnesupernova, beherenow, dontgoaway, remix, stepout, bsides, britpop, standbyme, 1997, 90s, 1995, 1996, 1994, stopcryingyourheartout, columbia, dontstop, demo, listenup, rocknroll, noelgallaghershighflyingbirds, slideaway, takeme, 1992, rocknrollstar, 90ssongs, 90srock, single, top100, oasisonline, manchester, digout, doys, outtatime, fallingdown, 2008, 2009