Surf Riders World Title (1964)
Full title reads: Hawaii. Surf Riders World Title. Makaha, Hawaii. World Surfing Championship won by American Joe Cabell. GV Makaha beach Hawaii. Nearer shot. ditto. Pan to crowds on the beach. SV Men sun bathing. SV Girls sun bathing. CU Girl wearing very brief bikini. SV Robert Gnat Young and Midget Farrelly. CU Young on the left and Farrelly on the right. GV Tents on the beach. LV ditto. LV Old car on the beach with surf boards on it. GV People walking along the beach carrying surf boards. LV Crowd. LV Spectator who has climbed up scaffolding to watch. CU Girl with Cine Camera. CU Man looking through binoculars. GV As surfer comes in he is swamped by giant wave. LV As another surfer comes in. He manages to stay upright. LV Two surfers coming in. GV As surfer goes into the Mixing bowl. and lays on his board as he is swamped by giant wave. LV Pan. Another surfer comes in. GV Another surfer comes in. He is swamped by giant wave and his board is thrown into the air. GV Another c