65 DIY Spring Delight: Journaling, Cooking and Embracing the Changing Seasons
Winter is not my most favorite season. But it provides the foundation for the rest of the year, as important as spring. Winter passes and now, everything is budding and growing. It produces a newness, and also a renewal, and also vision in our human hearts. Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there. Gary Snyder BLOGPOST: Rose Panna Cotta Tart Recipes: I license my music on Artlist Epidemic Sound Click the link below to get 2 extra months free :) SUPPORT ME SO I CAN CREATE MORE QUALITY CONTENT, ỦNG HỘ MÌNH LÀM TIẾP NHỮNG NỘI DUNG NHƯ NÀY: PHOTO EDITING PRESETS FOR LIGHTROOM, PRESETS CHỈNH ẢNH: