Victoria: Requiem 4vv Credo quod redemptor meus Plus Ultra
Tomás Luis de Victoria: Requiem 4vv Credo quod redemptor meus vivit Ensemble Plus Ultra Michael Noone Score: (Nancho Álvarez) The COMPLETE REQUIEM: Credo quod redemptor meus vivit, et in novissimo die de terra surrecturus sum, et in carne mea video Deum, salvatorem meum. Quem visurus sum ego ipse et non alius, et oculi mei conspecturi sunt. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. ENGLISH I believe that my redeemer liveth, and that in the last day I shall rise from the earth, and in my flesh shall see God, my saviour. Whom I myself shall see and not another, and mine eyes shall behold. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have