People In Camera (1947)
Full title reads: People In Camera. Mr Arthur Albert of London and his home made miniature car. MS Arthur Albert and his wife lifting their car out of their house. CU a flap at the back of the car is lifted, revealing the engine, a motor cycle engine. CU Albert ignites the engine by levering with his foot. MS He and his wife climb into the car. CU His hand on the clutch. VS Driving along the street Heathrow Airport, London. Colonel Eddie Eagan, New York s Athletic commission chief, gives his opinion of Bruce Woodcock after the WoodcockBaksi boxing match. LS Eagan walking across the airfield, with Pathe s John Parsons and others, to his plane to depart for New York. CU Eagan talking to J. P. about Woodcock s future chances. (nat sound). International cat show in Paris, France. MS cats, held by their owners, being examined by the judge. CU a white Persian is combed, has its teeth brushed and is sprayed with perfume. CU Four Persian kittens in a basket. CU head shots of two Siamese cats. CU a white ango