The Glow Worm (1940 1949)
A British Instructional Film. C, U of an adult male glowworm. We see it eating then a close view of its head. We see female glowworms they look like caterpillars. Female on the ground. On the stem of a plant with the abdomen glowing. Female glowworm going under a stone to lay eggs. C, U of cluster of four eggs. Young hatch. They move like caterpillars. C, U of glowworm s head and long neck. C, U of horns. Snail with striped shell. Glow worm crawls up stem of plant towards a snail. C, U showing how glowworm grips on to stem. Snail gets away. Glowworm pursues the snail on the ground. Attaches itself to the snail s shell. It drags the snail along behind it. It injects an anaesthetic into the snail and then eats it. Tweezers and a pointed instrument are used to show how the snail has no feeling. We see the glowworm eating the snail. It cleans itself of any remaining bits of snail with its rosette. Glowworm sheds its skin. It emerges leaving its old skin behind. Adult male shedd