Dueling for Honor Europes Lethal Duels from the 16th to the 18th Century
Duels were not simply the swift swordplay we all know from swashbuckler novels such as Alexandre Dumas Three Musketeers. The image of duels, clearly, is highly romanticized. In reality, the practice of dueling varied heavily depending on time and location. Although duels had certain things in common over time, there were no two alike. People have written whole books on very limited aspects of this topic. Obviously, we cant cover every detail of dueling, so we will make use of a technique known as Ideal Type. This term is most closely associated with the great German sociologist Max Weber. For Weber, looking for essential characteristics and elements of a given phenomenon was key to understanding social and cultural realities. However, the type does not correspond to all of the particular cases. In our case, this means that we will not focus on a few specific duels. Instead, we explain central aspects of an idealized duel as it might have taken place between the 16th to 18th century by making reference t