Cosmos Laundromat English Animation Short Film with Subtitles
Cosmos Laundromat (code name Gooseberry Movie Project), is an indevelopment 3D Animation film project by the Blender Institute. This film is written and is produced by the team of 12 international animation studios around the world. Synopsis: On a desolate island, a suicidal sheep named Franck meets his fatein the form of a quirky salesman named Victor, who offers him the gift of a lifetime. The gift is many lifetimes, actually, in many different worlds each lasting just a few minutes. In the sequel to the pilot, Franck will find a new reason to livein the form of a bewitching female adventurer named Tara, who awakens his longlost lust for life. But can Franck keep up with her The film is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3. 0 license. (CC) Blender Foundation, For questions about licensing rights for the film content you can email: foundation at