Harry Potter: Find Scabbers JAVA GAME ( Warner Bros. 2004 year) FULL WALKTHROUGH
Harry Potter: Find Scabbers Harry Potter: Find Scabbers is a Harry Pottermobile game. In the game, you had to catch Scabbers, Ron Weasley s pet rat, but there are also several enemies, like Dementors and Spiders. Crookshanks, Hermione Granger s ginger cat, is a prime suspect in the disappearance. Harry fearlessly braves the dangers of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in order to recapture the missing pet. The game is pretty much like PacMan, but with more powerups and magic abilities. Most of the time, though, Find Scabbers plays like a scrolling version of PacMan, in which you must pick up keys and bring them to identically colored doors. Usually, one gate will prevent you from reaching another gate, forcing you to unlock the doors in order. Around the fourth time you bypass a trellis lock, this becomes really tiresome.