I Found An Ancient Village With Roasting Pits In The Desert Using Google Earth
This was the best find yet in the Nevada desert I returned to an area and began searching along the base of the mountain and along drainages on google earth and was able to find either large roasting pits and, or pit houses that more than likely date back quite some time. A couple of the pits I found were built quite high up and one even had a second like a platform in front of it with fantastic views of the desert to the west. I also found evidence of structures near the pits. This leads me to believe some type of dwellings may have been close by or all around. Who knows A fascinating day exploring in the desert Join me as I discover what once Like The Video(s) Hit That SUBSCRIBE Really Helps The Channel Thanks For Watching Visitation to sites such as this should be done with the utmost respect. The artwork is not simply graffiti, it is a window into the past and it is culturally significant. Please take great care