Mercantia 15th century Italian dance
Performed in Kėdainiai (Lithuania). Performed by SaltusGladii. choreography: Initial setup: X is a woman, A, B, C are men (front) AX BC 1. 11 tempi of saltarello, with initial movimento (12 T saltarello) 2. B C separate with 6 riprese (6 T quadernaria) 3. X mezavolta, from left, looks at B and C (4 T basssadanza) then A 3 doppii forwards, lrl (or ssdd) 4. C approaches A with ssd, touches R hand C returns to place with ssd (mv in vuodo), while X VT (4 T bassadanza) B as C above (4 T bassadanza) 5. A mezavolta from R on right foot (1, 2 T bassadanza) B C change places (taking hands) with ssd, 2T salt (2 T salt, bassa) 6. A returns with 2 T salt, (beginning with salto ) (2T quadernaria) he goes to back of X, lesft side, looks jokingly 7. X responds with mezavolta right, while A ripresa right (1, 2 T) 8. A touches right hand of X, Riverentia A passes X on her left, going to place of C (where B started), with ssd while C goes to dance with A (with ssd); b stays still (or X B VT) (4T bassa