DON T LET THE BELLHOPS BITE tee and poster available now In Glowstick Entertainment s Dark Deception you must face your fears and find redemption through a series of terrible nightmares. Gathering the mysterious ring pieces for the equally mysterious Bierce, her ballroom will send you into the depths of terror to face demonic schoolgirls, flesh hungry ducks and a hotel staffed by murder FINALLY. This song has been sitting completed on my hard drive since mid 2019. Life happened, projects kept coming up and the opportunity to make the video for this one just kept getting pushed back. I am SO glad to finally have this video finished and to be able to share this song with you (Also that the costume still fitted after sitting in a box unused for over 2 years) When I wrote this there were only a couple of chapters of the game available and a lot less of the lore and story had been revealed so I chos